Icon Editor improvements, edit global colors, import animated icons and smarter icon resizing in Nucleo 2.5.4

What’s new in Nucleo v2.5.4 | nucleoapp.com

Sebastiano Guerriero


Fantasy icons by Chanut

We’ve just shipped Nucleo 2.5.4, which includes several updates to the Icon Editor, some minor changes based on your feedback, and bug fixes.

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Modify the color palette of your colored icons

One request we received from many users after launching the Icon Editor was the option to recolor the icons tagged as “colored”.

To make this possible, in Nucleo 2.5.4 we show all the colors of the icon when you launch the editor (select icon > press space bar). You can then modify each color by clicking the swatches to trigger the color picker.

If you select multiple icons, the app shows only the shared colors in the editor. This is particularly useful if you want to bulk edit the colors of an entire set.

Import and preview icons with CSS keyframes

Now it’s possible to import SVG icons containing CSS keyframes and preview the animation within the app!

A smarter approach to icon resizing

We’ve improved the way icons are resized using the Icon Editor. Now when you set a new size and save your changes, we rewrite the SVG paths and preserve the stroke value. This new approach allows you to update the sizes of multiple icons and enable the stroke customization for all of them.

Streamline icons by Vincent Le Moign

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